“I’m Sitting Pretty In a Pretty Little City”
(A popular song from 1923.) 


Dear Friends,


In 1923 ten visionary Attleboro women formed a local chapter of the American Federation of Art, putting in motion a one-hundred-year journey of discovery and creativity that has culminated in our current beloved museum, sitting pretty in the heart of downtown Attleboro.


I wonder if they could have imagined the impact their founding efforts would have:


Hundreds of students (children, teens and adults) taking classes in the museum school… finding their own spark of creativity, honing their artistic talent and building self-confidence.


Hundreds of exhibitions which brighten our days, enrich our community, and challenge us to see the world through others’ eyes.


Hundreds of artists, both professional and emerging, whose creations have adorned our gallery… painters, sculptors, ceramicists, fiber and glass artists, kinetic and video artists… all given a beautiful venue to showcase their art.


So what is an appropriate response from the community which enjoys the benefits of the 100-year-old initiative of these founding foremothers?


How about 100% participation in this centennial annual fund drive. If everyone who receives this solicitation makes a contribution, what could we achieve? Could we raise $100,000?


It doesn’t matter if your donation is $10, $100 or even $1,923. Every donation is valued and ensures that the Museum will continue to provide Arts for Everyone for all in our community for the next 100 years.


So, happy 100th to you, Attleboro Arts Museum.


With warm regards and appreciation,


Gerry Hickman, Board Chair



“Visitor’s Log Volume One” by Martha Heller. Reclaimed curtain, stabilizer, thread. The artist has sewn faces on pages of a fabric guest book representing the visitors who have come to the Attleboro Arts Museum over the past 100 years. Inspired by the Museum’s timeless slogan of “Arts For Everyone.”



A page from a fabric book inspired by “Visitor’s Log Volume One” (above). Created by a W. Charles Thompson Museum School student in a recent Attleboro Arts Museum art class.


Thank you for supporting the Museum's Annual Drive!

All contributions are appreciated, but how about donating $100 or more to celebrate 100 years!

Open the calendar popup.